The beginning


This is my first post. I genuinely have no idea where this blog is going to take me, and whether it will be at all effective at what I want it to do. Whether I give up on it in the first week, or it becomes an essential part of my life, only time will tell.

The main purpose of this project is to pressure myself into doing cool stuff. I will think up a goal / challenge that I want to do every day, and will post how it went in a blog post at the end of the day. This serves several purposes:

  • Since the posts are publicly available for anyone to read, I will be pressured into finishing projects that I set out to do.
  • Additionally I hope that looking back on the projects I worked on in the past in a well-documented format will motivate me for future projects, and just generally boost my confidence.
  • Hopefully this will end up being an archive of all the skills that I learn, making it easier to show potential employers what I’m capable of doing.
  • And, of course, I hope that I become better at expressing my thoughts to myself and others by writing about them.

I will try to figure out the blog format as I go and hopefully will have a good time on this journey :)

plan for the day

The first thing that I want to learn is how to customize this blog to my liking, and then putting it up on Github Pages. It does not sound difficult but let’s me think about what I want to cover in these posts.

I might return to the customization in the future, right now I simply want to remove any boilerplate, and replace it with content applicable to me (like the About page).

reflection on day #1

Job done, my blog is live! Was not difficult but I still feel like I have a better understanding of how Jekyll and GitHub Pages. It seems that Jekyll has quite a lot to offer in terms of customization. Writing the blog itself also wasn’t an issue since I am quite familiar with markdown.

I feel really happy to be starting this project as I already feel quite a bit motivated to try cool things that I have been postponing. Hopefully the motivation persists.